Photo: Lake Martin 1960..Peter Strozier Land cabin
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Lake Martin 1960..Peter Strozier Land cabin - By: Lakes Online Member (landstclair)

Member Comments…

11/13/2011 6:00:51 AM
*Comment on "" - landstclair

This was my family's cabin in the 60's & 70's............wish all as wonderful memories as I have of Lake Martin
11/13/2011 8:07:29 AM
*Comment on "" - Kizma Anuice
strange clothes except for the girl in  the plaid shorts.  the lady in the long dress? what is with that.

where did your family shop.  do you belong to a strange religious cult that prohibits bathing suits?
11/13/2011 10:45:58 AM
*Comment on "" - Samdog
Everyone is dressed exactly like that in the 50's. Great photo. Brings back memories even if it's not my family.
5/11/2015 3:05:34 PM
*Comment on "" - landstclair

Yes...this was how people dressed back when we had might not recognize the style..


11/13/2011 3:07:04 PM
*Comment on "" - bassplayer60

I really miss those days.
8/15/2015 4:32:35 PM
*Comment on "" - landstclair

I am renting a cabin on the lake this September to see if the magic is still there!!


8/5/2016 10:17:48 AM
*Comment on "Lake Martin 1960..Peter Strozier Land… - BluesCabin

Love seeing these photos.  They take me back to a happier, simpler time.   My family had a cabin in the Chapman's Creek area of Lake Martin near the Parker Island area and the Needle Eye.  They built it in 1963 - the year I was born.  Just an old fish camp style pine wood cabin, built by a man named Mr. Sellers, who had a farm not too far away.  Such wonderful memories were made on Lake Martin for me growing up.  My Godparents, Sue and Sid Hill from Homewood, Alabama had the cabin next door to ours.  Sadly, my parents sold the cabin in the late 80's and it was torn down and a mini mansion was built on the lot.  I would give anything to have our old cabin back again.  I treasure all of the beautiful memories of Lake Martin and it will always be "my happy place".  One day, maybe I can own a small cabin again down there.  <3

8/5/2016 11:19:20 AM
*Comment on "Lake Martin 1960..Peter Strozier Land… - alatraveler50

I know how you feel about the '60s.  My family got our property in '65.  There were 2 other men from B'ham who worked with my dad.  Here we lived within 4 doors of each other.  All 3 families worked together building piers, cabins, boat launches, etc.  Mid '70s our next door neighbor in B'ham built 2 doors away.  Within 5 lots, 4 of us were like one big family.  Then the 80's happened and one by one, the guys were getting older, the kids getting married / moving away, etc. and the original owners couldn't take care of the cabins so they started selling them to other families.  My wife and I were the lucky ones.  Didn't have a lot of money but scrapped enough to buy the place and add on years later.  Now we live here.  We are truly blessed.

We all know the sixties were a simplier time.  You could go to Chimney Rock and not see but maybe another dozen boats.  You could water ski on glass-like water.  Others on the lake "respected" you and your property.

Start saving your money!  It's nothing like when we bought.  It would cost me 50 times more than what I paid.  I couldn't afford it now.  Here's hoping you can do it.


8/5/2016 1:03:15 PM
*Comment on "Lake Martin 1960..Peter Strozier Land… - realfast64

You are so right about the sixties, respect and working together.  I too stated out here with family in 1963 and was lucky enough to live here 50 yrs either full time or part time.  Then the 21st century got here and things changed. Loud music bright lights and total disrespect for others.

  Then the tuesday phone call would come asking to go check on what they forgot to do before they sped off for home. They thought nothing of piling trash by the road for a thursday pickup. They thought nothing of leaving all the flood lights on to deter criminals. Then Friday comes and they slide in turn on the music. block the road with cars and trailers. while their driveway is empty because they didn't want inconvience each other. Awww the lake life.

  Then in a couple of years the loose interest stop looking after the property let it get overgrown. then they start renting to who knows who. Then it really get loud, congested, and trashed. oh well life goes on.

  so after 50 yrs what do you do you sale and never look back and listen to all the stories of their neighbors and oh yeah come here and read of how it is now and not how it use to be.

8/5/2016 1:06:39 PM
*Comment on "Lake Martin 1960..Peter Strozier Land… - realfast64

Fill in the missing letters on the above post.  the fingers aint what they use to be!!  LOL

8/5/2016 3:41:50 PM
*Comment on "Lake Martin 1960..Peter Strozier Land… - Wakely

Be careful about praising cabin life and the good old days. Russell Lands has been known to get angry with people who dare to praise that lifestyle over their McMansions.

8/5/2016 7:55:47 PM
*What about the amusement park at Castaway Island - itisd

Remember the train ride and the tall slide, the one you shot down on a skim board and glided across  the lake.  This was about 1957 and 1958. Even had the two building on the point that were rented out to youth groups etc.

8/5/2016 8:16:30 PM
*What about the amusement park at Castaway Island - Mack

They also had family rental cabins on the water that my parents used many summers. They were on the opposite side of the slide and inland of the two apartment buildings on the point.

14 foot plywood boat,, 40 Horse Elgin,, lectric choke,,.

8/5/2016 9:45:50 PM
*amusement park at Castaway Island - itisd
5/9/2018 1:51:07 AM
*Comment on "Lake Martin 1960..Peter Strozier Land… - landstclair

Looking forward to my upcoming lake trip

5/9/2018 2:00:02 AM
*Comment on "Lake Martin 1960..Peter Strozier Land… - landstclair

I remember a floating dock where members of a band would go and set up and play music and boats would come up to it and enjoy the music, the company and the beautiful lake.  Am I alone in this memory??


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